
April 27, 2016  •  Leave a Comment



I’ve written before about #dodgeballfamily , how the dodgeball community is more then just a rec league where people sweat and throw rubber balls at each other.  When you look across the court and see a ball being hurdled at your face, you might think that people don’t care, but off the court dodgeballers look out for each other.  Paula Rebecca is dodgeballer Ashley Guevara’s cousin.  At the age of 16 Paula was diagnosed with cancer. A family member of the dodgeball family is also family and when a family member is in need the community rallies behind them and in what better way then through a dodgeball tournament to raise funds and show support!

From the #playingforpaula event page:

“In October 2015, my 16 year old cousin was diagnosed with cancer. She’s recently had surgery to remove the infected bone, but she still has more chemo she has to go through. Her name is Paula Rebecca and she loves dancing. Even though this has been a tough situation, she’s managed to maintain her bright, bubbly, and positive personality.

This is a fundraiser tournament where all proceeds will go towards helping my cousin with the medical costs.”

A total of $2,700 was raised from the tournament, if you would like to donate, please contact Ashley at: [email protected]



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